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Elmark Automatyka S.A is an authorized distributor of MEAN WELL power supplies - one of the leading manufacturers of power devices on the market. With over 10,000 standard models on offer and over 35 years of experience in designing, creating and supplying customers with power devices, MEAN WELL offers customers comprehensive and reliable solutions for a very wide range of applications.


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MEAN WELL power supplies are one of the most popular solutions in industrial automation (including MEAN WELL power supplies for a DIN rail) and LED lighting systems (including MEAN WELL LED constant voltage and constant current power supplies). They are also used in alarm systems, lighting of offices, hotels, stadiums, building automation, KNX systems. A popular segment of MEAN WELL's offer are also chargers for acid, gel, AGM, lithium-ion, LiFePo4, Ca-Ca batteries. A large range of products are enclosed power supplies that can be used as elements of larger devices. Attention should also be paid to the categories of plug-in power supplies, including medical power supplies, buffer power supplies and power supplies for Rack 19 ”cabinets. The manufacturer has power supply solutions with various output voltages, the most popular of which are MEAN WELL 12V and 24V power supplies. Our customers are very popular not only with MEAN WELL power supplies, but also chargers and converters.
Following the spirit of continuous innovation, MEAN WELL expands its offer by 10% compared to the current product lines every year. Currently, MEAN WELL offers complete power solutions in the range of 0.5W ~ 25.600W in various classes to meet the requirements of applications in individual industries. Main MEAN WELL product lines include: AC / DC power supplies, LED power supplies, battery chargers, DC / DC converters and DC / AC converters. The wide offer of MEAN WELL means that you can search for products from among a wide range of available options and choose the optimal solution for your needs. Elmark Automatyka S.A. is an authorized distributor of MEAN WELL in Poland.
The MEAN WELL company does not have its office or any other representative office in Poland. We support our clients in consulting and selection of devices, we offer pre-and after-sales technical support, help in choosing optimal solutions for given needs. As an authorized distributor of MEAN WELL in Poland, we also offer local equipment service, a large warehouse, very fast delivery (within 24 hours for devices from the warehouse) and a full range of MEAN WELL solutions..
Current prices of MEAN WELL power supplies with discounts and visible inventory levels are available after logging in to the e-shop. After logging in, you can also efficiently and conveniently add selected MEAN WELL products to the basket and quickly complete the order.

744 produse în categorie



Power supplies for LED lighting systems - slim

Dacă se plasează comanda până în ora 15:00, coletul va fi expediat în aceeași zi

Preț de la

160,20 RON

În stoc

Vezi 3 model


DC/DC step down LED driver

Dacă se plasează comanda până în ora 15:00, coletul va fi expediat în aceeași zi

Preț de la

20,30 RON

În stoc

Vezi 12 model


Constant power power supplies with DALI and Tunable White function

Dacă se plasează comanda până în ora 15:00, coletul va fi expediat în aceeași zi

Preț de la

176,30 RON

În stoc

Vezi 1 model
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KNX LINE Coupler

Dacă se plasează comanda până în ora 15:00, coletul va fi expediat în aceeași zi

Preț de la

1.193,90 RON

În stoc

Vezi 1 model


KNX DALI gateway, DALI controller

Dacă se plasează comanda până în ora 15:00, coletul va fi expediat în aceeași zi

Preț de la

1.657,80 RON

În stoc

Vezi 1 model
zasilacz EIB KNX-20E-640 30V 640mA 19


KNX power supply: KNX-20E-640

Dacă se plasează comanda până în ora 15:00, coletul va fi expediat în aceeași zi

Preț de la

356,70 RON

În stoc

Vezi 1 model
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System of modular power supplies with battery charger mode for RACK cabinets

Dacă se plasează comanda până în ora 15:00, coletul va fi expediat în aceeași zi

Preț de la

3.493,40 RON

În stoc

Vezi 6 model


Programmable battery charger: DBU-3200-24, DBU-3200-48

Dacă se plasează comanda până în ora 15:00, coletul va fi expediat în aceeași zi

Preț de la

3.119,00 RON

În stoc

Vezi 2 model
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Inverters A301, A302 - modified sine wave

Dacă se plasează comanda până în ora 15:00, coletul va fi expediat în aceeași zi

Preț de la

1.710,80 RON

În stoc

Vezi 2 model
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Waterproof connector IP68: CJ04

Dacă se plasează comanda până în ora 15:00, coletul va fi expediat în aceeași zi

Preț de la

26,50 RON

În stoc

Vezi 2 model


AC/DC fans

Produs epuizat

DC adapters

DC adapters

P1J DC adapters

Dacă se plasează comanda până în ora 15:00, coletul va fi expediat în aceeași zi

Preț de la

2,60 RON

În stoc

Vezi 22 model
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